If the concept of Reiki is new to you and you’re interested in starting your path of transforming your body, mind, and soul, here are some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.



What Is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing practice. It’s very similar to laying on hands or something you may also heard about; Pranic Healing. There are a variety of different modalities and energy healing with Reiki being one that was developed in Japan.

It uses a universal life force and energy, the same type of energy that created the planets. This energy is in everything, including you. When we harness and channel this energy, we are able to heal ourselves and other people once a certain level of training is attained.

As a Reiki Master, I bring energy through me and then it flows to you. It’s like an electromagnetic field within the energy system of the body. Properly used, this energy can make changes to our physical body, emotional state and even mental conditions.


How Is Reiki Performed?

Some people are not comfortable having hands put on them. Reiki can actually be done with hands over a person or even from a distance. Reiki sessions are performed through intention, will and focus.

Everyone has energy moving through them all the time. Most of us feel this energy when we’re standing very close to someone, but not necessarily touching them.

So we all have an energy field, there are just different layers to it.

When Reiki is performed, energy is transmitted to another person and changes will take effect, based on what’s in your best interest.


What Should I Expect?

What you’re going to feel or experience physically is individual to you, especially depending on how open your mind is. Typically we would start out with you being in a place where you’re relaxed and comfortable.

For many people they lay down and close their eyes with maybe some soft music playing and that’s all you do.

On my end I’m focusing the energy to go to you for what we’ve discussed we want to accomplish.  The length of sessions will vary.  As we are preparing for a session, I will decide when we start, when we stop, how it goes and then at the end we talk about what you experienced.

Some clients will experience physical things as the energy is moving through their body breaking open blocks, similar to what an acupuncture does. It works on the same system as acupuncture.

The energy blocks we have in our field have developed over time due to trauma or illness or stressors. When these blocks get broken open, they move around and can result in feelings of  tingling or sensations similar to little pins or electricity.  This is not painful, but very similar to when your hand or foot falls asleep. 


What Is Distance Reiki?

Distance Reiki is done when the other person is not participating, only the practitioner. For example if you were going to the grocery store and you couldn’t be at the session, I would be doing the session directing the energy to you where you are at physically.

There’s also another form of Reiki similar to this which we’ve been seeing a lot of which is Virtual Reiki.

It’s like a hybrid of distance and in person because while not being in the same room, you are actually participating during the session. There’s a few things that we are doing together, so an individual actually has more of an experience than from a distance, where you wouldn’t even know that I had done the session.


Why Would Someone Do Distance Reiki?

Distance Reiki is a choice that some clients opt for because they are busy and need results right away. You’re going to get the result. You just won’t have the experience during the physical session